Effect of Air Pollution Control on Life Expectancy in the United States: An Analysis of 545 U.S. Counties for the Period from 2000 to 2007

Reductions in PM2.5 were associated with improvements in life expectancy for the period from 2000 to 2007. Air pollution control in the last decade has continued to have a positive impact on public health.


Correia, Andrew W.; Pope, C. Arden III; Dockery, Douglas W.; Wang, Yun; Ezzati, Majid; Dominici, Francesca; Epidemiology, 3 December 2012.

“Want to Live Longer? Breathe Clean Air” ,  Ecco un commento all’articolo sul New York Times, 10.12.2012, NICHOLAS BAKALAR :

… “What this means is that even if particulate pollution has been declining in recent years at a slower rate, even if we have already done a lot of cleanup, still continuing to clean is important,” said the senior author, Francesca Dominici , a professor of biostatistics at the Harvard School of Public Health. “Our paper is strong evidence that additional investment in cleaning the air is beneficial.”



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